v2.4 v2.4 is a script in bash to automate frameworks like Nmap,Driftnet,SSLstrip and ettercap MITM attacks also uses macchanger to decoy scans, then uses nmap to search for a specified port open in external lan, change/see your mac address, change my PC hostname.
this script makes it easy tasks such as SNIFFING, MITM, SSLsniff, retrieve metadata, and DoS attacks inside the external/local network can also perform TCP/UDP packets manipulation using etter.filters also as the hability of capture pictures of web-browser surfing on the target machine under MITM attack and preforms a vuln scan to target web-site using websecurify addon , also uses[msfpayload+msfencode+msfcli] to have remote control of target machine, also came with [root3.rb] meterpreter ruby auxiliary script,and a module for install/edit the meterpreter script and upgrade metasploit database automatic, search for target geolocation, search for admin login page, website directorys,webshells.php planted on website,common file upload vulns scanner…
Ping remote target or web domain
Show Local Connections (see my machine connections)
Show my Ip address and arp cache
see/change macaddress
change my PC hostname
Scan Local network (search for live hosts inside local network)
search in external lan for hosts
Scan remote host (using nmap to perform a scan to target machine)
execute Nmap command (direct from shell)
Open router config page
search for target geo-location
Ip tracer whois (open website database whois and geo-location)
WebCrawler (open websecurify webcrawler website)
DDoS java Script (perform DDoS attacks external network) and more...
Where i read this