Download Bugtraq-II Beta 32 bits

Download Bugtraq-II Beta 32 bits

System requirements

1GHz x86 processor
512 MB of system memory (RAM)
15 GB of disk space for installation
Graphics card capable of 800x600 resolution
DVD-ROM drive or USB port




Hyenae -independent network packet generator


 is a highly flexible platform independent network packet generator. It allows you to reproduce several MITM, DoS and DDoS attack scenarios, comes with a clusterable remote daemon and an interactive attack assistant.

Source and Download


SQLSentinel is an opensource tool

SQLSentinel is an opensource tool that automates the process of finding the sql injection on a website. SQLSentinel includes a spider web and sql errors finder. You give in input a site and SQLSentinel crawls and try to exploit parameters validation error for you. When job is finished, it can generate a pdf report which contains the url vuln found and the url crawled.

Please remember that SQLSentinel is not an exploiting tool. It can only finds url Vulnerabilities


NTFS Reference Sheet