Introduction to APR (Arp Poison Routing)

Admin Page Finder Script -python script

Admin Page Finder Script

Credit to - Original  author..

Step 1.

you need to have python installed on your machine to run this code. if not installed , install using below link

Step 2.

Copy the code to txt file  and save it as any name(example :- extension of ".py"

Code :-

Save the file to default path of Python installation .. default is : - C:\pythonXX\

Soo copy to folder.

Step 3
Follow the screen shots.



3)type in targeted website

4)select the source of the website.

5) in example its PHP ,, soo i have entered 1.



What's Their IP? Find someone's IP address!

What's Their IP? Find someone's IP address!

A very simple and tough question.. how to find victim IP
How to find IP address ?

Here is site:-

Usage :-two options for the links generated.

1) Send the link in email ( For best results .. use link with title My pic, MY IP( lol) etc)
2) if you don't know email address , copy paste link in chat or any live communications

are you looking for screen shots ? you are joking..... send me email if you want it.

Demo:- ( credit to original up loader)


The Snipping Tool - How to

Snipping Tool - easy way to capture screens .

Work for ONLY windows 7
Follow below steps

The Snipping Tool Options
When you start the Snipping Tool you can click on the Options button to set the preferences on how you want the program to operate. Below we have a table that explains what each of these options do and how they affect the snips, or screen shots, that you create. The options are broken up into Application and Selections groups.
Application Options:
Hide Instruction Text
If enabled, hides the instruction text in the main Snipping Tool window.

Always copy snips to the Clipboard
If this is enabled it will copy all snips to your Windows clipboard so you can paste them into another application such as word processors or other image manipulation programs.

Include URL below snips (HTML only)
With this enabled if you save your snip as a Single File HTML, or MHT document, and the snip was taken from an Internet Explorer browser window it will show the url of the page that you took the snip from.

Prompt to save snips before exiting
If enabled, when you exit the snipping tool it will prompt you to save any snips that were created.

Display icon in the Quick Launch Toolbar
When enabled an icon for the Snipping Tool will be placed in your Quick Launch Toolbar.

Show screen overlay when Snipping Tool is active
If enabled, when you are creating the snip the Snipping Tool interface will disappear.
Selection Options:
Ink Color:
This will change the color of the selection border when you create a snip.

Show selection ink after snips are captured
When enabled the selection border will be shown, using the color selected in the Ink Color option, around the snip.
My suggestion is to enable all the application options other than Include URL below snips (HTML only) and Show screen overlay when Snipping Tool is active. For the selection options I would disable the Show selection ink after snips are captured option for better looking snips.
Now that we understand the options, lets learn about the different types of snips that can be taken.
Types of snips that can be taken.
There are four different selection types that you can use to take a snip using the Snipping Tool. In order to change the type of of selection the Snipping Tool will use to create a snip you would click on the small down arrow menu next to the New button. This is shown by the arrow in the image below.

A description of each selection type and an example snip is shown below.
Free-form Snip: This method allows you to draw a shape around your selection using a mouse or a stylus. Once the selection shape is drawn and you close the shape so there are no open sides, the snip will be created and shown to you. An example of a free-form snip is below. Notice how it is a circular snip because I drew a circular selection.

Rectangular Snip: This method simply allows you to create a rectangular selection around a portion of your screen and anything in that rectangle will be used to create the snip. An example of a rectangular snip is below.

Email, Save To options is also available.

- Saba

6months - 60k hits- still growing..

Learn Ethical Hacking - Web App Security Testing - No More A Secret :)

When I started leaning about security domain, it was Martian domain to me. Nobody helped or guided me in right direction, I have to Google and make my own effort for very much simple and silly tasks. After 4 years.. Now….
I feel that after so much effort and time to gain knowledge, I have decided that I should not be one among those people.
So I have started a blog named it as “ all in one hack” , name justify that I am going share all ethical hacking techniques which are maintained as secret(shared for few only) till now.

When I started my blog as newbie, I faced lot of criticism from fellow bloggers who earns online money using the blogs and their sites.( let me explain about above line, anybody can earn money using websites/blogs etc by opting ad sense, SEO, traffic gaining ,prompting sites etc ) , I was quite against of earning money from my blog. I don’t use ad’s or above said techniques for my blog.

 Launched the blog in mid-November 2011, inspite of many criticism I continued my work towards the newbies who wants/aspires to learn Ethical Hacking /web app security. Within 6 months of launch of blog , got hits of 60K averaging 10k per month.. And my aim was neither increase hits nor gain something out of it.


Google Search Tick

Google Search Tick

click the link and check the fun.... ...  change to any text for search :)


The BackTrack Wiki -Basic Usage of BT

The BackTrack Wiki -Basic Usage of BT


Ethical Hacking - Client-side attack

- Saba

WebSploit Toolkit Version 1.5 Released

WebSploit Toolkit Version 1.5 Released

Added Attacks :
[+] Browser AutoPWN Attack Vector
[+] Java Applet Attack Vector
[+] USB Infection Attack Vector
      [-]Exec x86
      [-]Exec x64
      [-]Add User
      [-]Bind Shell 
[+] MFOD - Middle Finger OF Doom Attack Vector

Full Method Of Attacks In Websploit Toolkit :
[+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service
[+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin
[+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format
[+]phpmyadmin - Search Target phpmyadmin login page
[+]lfi - Scan,Bypass local file inclusion Vulnerability & can be bypass some WAF
[+]apache users - search server username directory (if use from apache webserver)
[+]Dir Bruter - brute target directory with wordlist
[+]admin finder - search admin & login page of target
[+]MLITM Attack - Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks
[+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack
[+]Java Applet Attack - Java Signed Applet Attack
[+]MFOD Attack Vector - Middle Finger Of Doom Attack Vector
[+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Infect USB For Windows